On January 24, 1841, Commodore Bremer, having arrived at Lantao from Macao, directed Captain Belcher, in command of H.M.S. Sulphur (which has been given her name to the Sulphur Channel) to proceed forworth to Hongkong and commence its survey. Sir E. Belcher, accordingly, landed on Monday, January 25, 1841, at fifteen minutes past 8 a.m., at the foot of Taipingshan, and on the hill, now occupied by the Chinese recreation ground. Captain Belcher and his officers, considering themselves the bona fide first British possessors, drank her Majesty’s health with three cheers, the spot being thenceforth known as Possession Point. This was done unofficially and as an arbitrary preliminary to the survey of the Island.
我想傳媒中人也許會有注意到此條的吧, 奇怪沒有甚麼報導.
圖為Commodore Bremer.